The heart of the community

The heart of the community

Lydgate Parish Hall is set in the centre of this pretty village, right next to the White Hart Inn, Lancashire Life Dining Pub of the Year 2019 and opposite St Anne’s Church, a vibrant establishment popular for weddings and baptisms as well as thriving services for all age groups. The Hall was gifted to the village in 1869 by Edmund Buckley as the village school, replacing an earlier one dating from 1763 which had been built by 8 local mill owners including Edmund’s father.

Lydgate Parish Hall

It really is a lovely space inside and an iconic building with real presence on the outside. Sadly, like many village halls it is in need of some TLC. The good news is that the local community and church have come together to restore it to its former glory so watch this space.

Lydgate Parish Hall is managed by a newly formed charity, Lydgate Community Association. They are on a mission to bring the hall into the 21st Century. Community is at the heart of all they do and they want the hall to reflect this.

The building is still fully functional now however and is used on a regular basis. Scouts, Guides, Brownies, Cubs and Rainbows all meet here. There are band practices, choir meetings, Zumba, yoga and Pilates. The place is abuzz but we do have spaces on the calendar for new activities as well as one off events like parties and concerts.

The overall capacity of Lydgate Parish Hall is 100 in total, the main hall seating 60 comfortably at tables. There is also a smaller hall and a work room where the Lydgate Stitchers create their wonderful wall hangings.

All these spaces are available for hire so please get in touch.

Also if you think you can help restore this building to its former glory please get in touch.

You can get a copy of the community newsletter here or use the form at the bottom to subscribe to the mailing list.

You can become a supporter of Lydgate Parish Hall. Just download the form and email it to or by post to:

Membership Scheme
Lydgate Parish Hall
55, Stockport Rd
Oldham OL4 4JL

The Newly Painted Big Hall

The refurbishment of the hall means that it is now a fabulous place to welcome our users.

What can you do at Lydgate Parish Hall?

Lydgate Stitchers

‘Lydgate Woven in Time’

The ‘Lydgate Stitchers’ are part of the ‘Love Lydgate Community’ and meet regularly on a Wednesday afternoon in Lydgate Parish Hall. Members enjoy creating in a friendly, lively atmosphere and work on individual and collaborative and often large, complex projects. A variety of textile techniques are experienced such as hand and machine embroidery, appliqué, quilting, patchwork, crochet and knitting, beadwork, and textile crafts.

The ‘Stitchers’ actively support Love Lydgate, the wider local Community and St Anne’s Church by taking part in fund raising activities and annual events.
There is no membership fee to join the group but members pay an agreed contribution towards running costs when attending meetings.
More information:
Celia Gledsdale email:

Lydgate stitchers - Dawn 'til Dusk
Textile Panel: ‘Dawn ‘til Dusk’ Lydgate in threads by the ‘Lydgate Stitchers’
20th Oldham Lydgate Guides

20th Oldham Lydgate Guides' leadersHere at 20th Oldham Lydgate Guides we are based within the Parish Hall across from Lydgate church next to the White Hart.
Currently we meet virtually with the vision to continue face to face meetings from September every Thursday night at 7pm – 9pm. We enjoy working on lots of exciting activities which allow us to learn new skills and earn colourful badges which we can decorate our camp blankets and uniforms with. We enjoy playing games, making camp fires and singing campfire songs.
We have two big camps per year which are filled with lots of enjoyment and adventure. If you are looking for fun, adventure, excitement, friendship and somewhere you can be yourself and make some amazing friends then 20th Oldham Lydgate Guides is the place for you.
It is £28.20 to join and £12.50 per month thereafter. You need to be 10 years old to join us.
If you would like to get some more information or join please email: or

Lydgate Brass Band

Lydgate Brass Band at Lydgate Parish HallLydgate Brass Band is a friendly non-contesting band whose focus is for its members to have an enjoyable night out.

Unfortunately, the same as everyone else we have been badly hit by the pandemic. We are all looking forward to getting back to rehearsals on the 28th June, although it will take us a while to get back to the standard of playing we were at 15 months ago.

We are always happy to welcome new experienced players who wish to join us.

After rehearsals quite a few of us move next door to the White Hart for a pint and jokes.

We usually do around 8 or 9 concerts a year including a couple in Lydgate Parish Hall and for Love Lydgate’s events.

We meet on a Monday evening between 7:30 – 9:30 pm in the Parish Hall.

Zumba Gold

Zumba Gold at Lydgate Parish HallZumba Gold is a fun, dance inspired exercise class which particularly attracts the older active participant due to it’s low impact nature.

Classes are held on Mondays 1pm-2pm and Fridays 10.30am-11.30am

Classes likely to resume July 2021 but keep an eye on the calendar in-case things relax more quickly than anticipated.

Helen 07786 393603

Helen - Zumba Gold

Yoga With Debbie

Yoga is a holistic practice to help maintain a healthy body & mind. Enjoy a full body movement session to improve mobility, flexibility, muscle strength, balance & co-ordination. Each session includes movement, breathing & relaxation techniques. The sessions are drop-in so no need to book and they are suitable for all abilities from beginners to experienced yogis. Mats are provided. £5 per session. If you have any questions, please call Debbie 07443 223031 or email

Here are details of a few of the things that happen at the hall and the things with which you can get involved.

Room availability and upcoming events

Week of Feb 4th

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
February 3, 2025(5 events)

9:45 am: Love Lydgate Exercises

February 3, 2025

11:30 am: Zumba Gold

February 3, 2025

2:30 pm: Parish Hall Talks

February 3, 2025

Ken Bennett

6:00 pm: Circuit Training

February 3, 2025

7:00 pm: Lydgate Band

February 3, 2025

February 4, 2025(4 events)

10:00 am: Yoga Class

February 4, 2025

1:00 pm: Westood Band

February 4, 2025

6:30 pm: Ballroom Class

February 4, 2025

8:00 pm: Wedding dance lessons

February 4, 2025

February 5, 2025(3 events)

11:30 am: Qi Gong

February 5, 2025

2:00 pm: Lydgate Stitchers

February 5, 2025

6:00 pm: Circuit Training

February 5, 2025

February 6, 2025(4 events)

7:30 am: Cleaning Team

February 6, 2025

10:30 am: Tai Chi Class

February 6, 2025

12:00 pm: Pilates (2 classes)

February 6, 2025

6:00 pm: Girl Groups

February 6, 2025

February 7, 2025(3 events)

10:30 am: Zumba Gold

February 7, 2025

12:00 pm: Group Exercise Class

February 7, 2025

6:00 pm: Dance Practice

February 7, 2025

John Wood

February 8, 2025(1 event)

12:00 pm: Children's Birthday Party

February 8, 2025

Rosalind Knowles

February 9, 2025(1 event)

11:00 am: Junior Church & Coffee

February 9, 2025

Booking Enquiries

If you would like to make a booking then you can use the Contact Form below and we will get back to you.

You can also contact our Booking Secretary, Mark Rathbone on 01457 871805.

Get in touch and Mark will discuss rental fees and other booking arrangements.

Get In Touch


55, Stockport Rd, Lydgate, Oldham, OL4 4JJ